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We are running in parallel a number of research projects.

The organizational schema for the RPA consists of 3 pillars for the 3 aspects of trust in the digital society, which also coincide with the existing competencies of UvA.

  1. The human aspects of trust research pillar studies human aspects of trusting behavior: such as behavioral economics, biology, cognitive psychology, co-led by FEB and FGW.
  2. The institutional trust pillar encompasses various institutional conditions of trust and trustworthiness, such as legal frameworks, political institutions and processes, sociological approaches to trust, etc. co-directed by FdR and FMG.
  3. The trust engineering pillar looks into the opportunities and constraints of creating trustworthy technical infrastructures through engineering and computer science solutions. This pillar is co-directed by FNWI and FdR.

We are current;y working on the following topics:

1. updating the theoretical foundations of trust so it fits the special conditions of the digital society

2. research into Trust and Safety teams of various platforms

3. computational modelling of the emergence of trust and distrust patterns with the use of Agent Based Modelling techniques

4. we are studying how narratives of trust and distrust circulate on social media.

5. we are working on a project on trust and blocchain infrastructures.