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As a part of their research internship with Trust RPA these students joined the Academic Excellence Track. They give their feedback about the internship.

Marta Reysner

‘As a part of my research internship with Trust RPA, I had the pleasure of working with Linda on an article concerning the governance framework set out in the newly introduced eIDAS 2.0 Regulation. The topic, touching upon the issue of regulation of digital identity within the European Union, is timely and fascinating, but at the same time conceptually challenging and very technical, making it an uneasy task for a law student, previously unacquainted with ideas of this sort. I am very thankful for all the indispensable support and guidance I received, helping me go through the meanders of the Regulation and produce a final output in a form of a research piece.’

Aleksandra Guzik

‘I assisted the Digital Trust Team as a Master’s student in Public International Law during my internship experience for the Academic Excellence Track. Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to collaborate on a paper with Dr Linda Weigl, examining the implications of the Brussels Effect and the new Digital Services Act package. My main task was to conduct a comparative analysis of litigation in the context of the GDPR, the DMA, and the DSA from the perspective of the types of legal arguments used in the light of a stronger resistance of the Big Tech companies to the latter regulations. I am grateful to the team for their kindness and readiness to include me in their work - especially to Linda for her guidance, enthusiasm and collaborative spirit.’