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Dr. L. (Linda) Weigl

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Law
Information Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: 5.23
Postal address
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Linda Weigl is a political scientist and a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR). In her doctoral thesis, Reflections of Sovereignty in Policy and Technology, she integrates perspectives from science and technology studies, political science, and law to analyse the implications of sovereignty-driven datafication governance mechanisms at both the institutional and individual level. At IViR, Linda is part of the Trust Research Priority Area, which studies the evolution of trust in response to emerging algorithmic trust production technologies and explores the potential disruptions to existing trust relationships. Her research aims to provide insights into the legal and socio-technological safeguards and limitations of trust and trustworthiness in the context of techno-political infrastructures, such as decentralized transaction protocols, online platforms, or AI. Furthermore, she investigates the extent to which technology-centric solutions of said infrastructures can be reconciled with democratic criteria and public values.

  • Publications


    • Bodó, B., & Weigl, L. (in press). The frameworks of trust and trustlessness around algorithmic control technologies: A lost sense of community. In J. Goossens, & E. Keymolen (Eds.), Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design
    • Weigl, L., Roth, T., Amard, A., & Zavolokina, L. (2024). When public values and user-centricity in e-government collide – A systematic review. Government Information Quarterly, 41(3), Article 101956.


    • Codagnone, C., & Weigl, L. (2023). Leading the Charge on Digital Regulation: The More, the Better, or Policy Bubble? Digital Society, 2(4).
    • Weigl, L., Barbereau, T. J., Sedlmeir, J., & Zavolokina, L. (2023). Mediating the Tension between Data Sharing and Privacy: The Case of DMA and GDPR. In Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems AIS Electronic Library (AISeL).
    • Weigl, L., Barbereau, T., & Fridgen, G. (2023). The construction of self-sovereign identity: Extending the interpretive flexibility of technology towards institutions. Government Information Quarterly, 40(4), Article 101873. [details]


    • Sedlmeir, J., Barbereau, T. J., Huber, J., Weigl, L., & Roth, T. (2022). Transition Pathways towards Design Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity. In 43rd International Conference on Information Systems
    • Weigl, L., Amard, A., Codagnone, C., & Fridgen, G. (2022). The EU's Digital Identity Policy: Tracing Policy Punctuations. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ACM.
    • Weigl, L., Amard, A., Marxen, H., Roth, T., & Zavolokina, L. (2022). User-centricity and Public Values in eGovernment: Friend or Foe? In Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems
    • Weigl, L., Barbereau, T. J., Rieger, A., & Fridgen, G. (2022). The Social Construction of Self-Sovereign Identity: An Extended Model of Interpretive Flexibility. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

    Talk / presentation

    • Bodó, B. (speaker) & Weigl, L. (speaker) (2024). Trust and Safety in the age of AI: Fighting fire with fire, ILPC Annual Conference 2024 AI and Power: Regulating Risk and Rights, London.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Internet Policy Review
      Academic Editor